
You can only log in by clicking a LOGIN with your details if you are registered. 
If you haven’t registered, please click on the blue REGISTER button! 
Then select the type of user from the drop-down menu, student or teacher. 
The student declares themselves as a solo competitor.
Parents who wish to register a child for the competition also registred as user student.
The teacher can register more schools and students-competitors.
State and city coordinators also registered as user-teacher.

Click on the field that interests you for more information below


Na LOGIN / ULOGUJETE SE možete ući samo sa Vašim podacima ako ste registrovani. Ako niste kliknite na plavo dugme REGISTER! Zatim izaberite vrstu korisnika iz padajućeg menija, učenik student ili nastavnik-teacher. Napomena
Učenik prijavljue sebe kao samostalnog takmičara. 
Roditelji koji žele da prijave dete na takmičenje takođe se prijavljuju kao user učenik. 
Nastavnik moze prijaviti više škola i učenika-takmičara. 
Drzavni i gradski kordinatori takođe se prijavljuju kao user-teacher.

kliknite na polje koje vas interesuje za vise informacija dole

To access the platform, you must first create a user.
Select the user as a student or teacher.
If you are a parent, you also apply as a student.
The user, as a student, registers himself/herself as a competitor. 
A student can only act as one competitor.
User, as a teacher can register more schools and students.

You create an application for a school, enter the address and name of the school, email, city and state.
A partner school is a school that organizes a competition at its school.
If you are a teacher and the competition is organized at your school, an School Participation request (location approval) 2020 document is required for each school application.
The document should be signed and stamped. By checking this document, school becomes a partner school.
If you are a state or city coordinator, also add an School Participation request (location approval) 2020 document for each school where the competition is held.

Add a student/competitor, select a language, and enter the student’s details.
Each student gets their unique ID (Identity ID)
This number is entered in addition to competitor details on the OMR test sheet.

If your school is a partner school, please add the signed school approval, payment slips.
If you are a student, you need to add a payment slip! 
Please put every student information and Identity ID on the payment slip
Or pay online, by credit card, Paypal or IBAN.

You have successfully signed up for the eighth international competition. If you have a question or some note put into the NOTE field.
The Administrator will contact you and respond in NOTES also.


Da bi pristupili platformi morate prvo da kreirate korisnika.
Izaberite korisnika kao učenik /student ili nastavnik /teacher . 
Ako ste roditelj takođe se prijavljujete kao učenik/student.
User kao učenik prijavljuje sebe kao takmičara/competitor.
Učenik može da prijavi samo jednog takmičara. 
User kao nastavnik/teacher moze da prijavi više škola i učenika.

Kreirajete prijavu za školu, upišite adresu i naziv škole, email, grad i državu. 
Partner škola je škola koja organizuje takmičenje u svojoj školi. 
Ako ste nastavnik i takmičenje se organizuje u vašoj školi, za svaku prijavu škole potrebno je dodati dodatak Prijavni formular za škole 2020
Koji treba da je potpisan i pečatiran. Proverom tog dokumenta postajete partner škola.
Ako ste državni ili gradski kordinator takođe za svaku školu gde se održava takmičenje dodati dodatak Prijavni formular za škole 2020.

Dodajte učenika/takmičara, izaberite jezik i upisite podatke učenika. 

Svaki učenik dobija svoj jedinstveni ID (Identity ID)
Taj broj upisuje pored svojih podataka na kontrolnom listiću testa na takmičenju!

Ako ste partner škola dodajte potpisanu saglasnost škole, potvrde o plaćanju.
Ili platite VISA, MASTERCARD AMEX karticama, PAYPAL-om  ili na IBAN račun. 
Ako ste učenik samo vam je potrebno da dodate potvrdu o plaćanju! Na uplatnici mozete staviti svoje podatke ili Identity ID
Ili platiti online, platnim karticama, Paypal-om ili IBAN-om.

Uspešno ste se prijavili na osmo međunarodno takmičenje. Ako imate neku napomenu ili pitanje upišite u NOTE / NAPOMENA.
Administrator će Vas kontaktirati i odgovoriti takođe u NOTE.